Digital Marketing Fitness Plan

As people begin focusing on their New Year’s fitness resolutions by meal prepping and tuning in to virtual workout classes online, it’s time to get serious about your business’s digital advertising plan. We may not be fitness trainers but we are the experts in digital advertising for small to medium-sized businesses. While you plan for your best year yet, here’s a digital advertising fitness plan you can follow! 

Meal-Prep: Write down your goals & objectives. 

Whether you want to make those gains or shed some pounds, nutrition is a large part of any fitness plan. When it comes to digital advertising, be sure to write down your goals for the year and break them down into actionable objectives to give your business a clear roadmap. These goals and objectives will feed your strategy as you develop it. Be sure to check-in with these objectives on a monthly or quarterly basis to stay on track.  

Warm-Up: Take a look at last year’s insights. 

Before any workout, take some time to warm-up your body to prevent injury. Before developing your digital advertising plan, you’ll want to spend some time analyzing insights from last year to see what worked and what didn’t. This will help you discern where your time and money should go. Perhaps that TikTok account you started isn’t truly reaching the audience you want, but your holiday Facebook Ad campaign gave you a significant boost in sales over a few weeks. Taking that bit of extra time to learn from everything you tried the year before will make the rest so much easier! 

Cardio: Run with what worked for your business. 

Cardio is proven to be great for heart health and overall fitness. If there were specific strategies and campaigns that were proven to work for your business, find ways to incorporate them into this year’s plan. If Instagram Stories generated a notable amount of engagement and helped you get to know your audience better, then create a regular flow of content to keep up that healthy amount of engagement.  

Weight Lifting: Push yourself to learn something new.

Let’s get those (knowledge) gains! If you want to continue to develop your digital advertising strategy, it’s important to keep up with what’s new in this space. Listen to a marketing podcast while you get ready in the morning. Commit to reading a blog post once a week. Take a free Facebook Blueprint course to learn the platform better. However you choose to learn, be sure to find ways to integrate what you’ve learned into your plan. You won’t regret it! 

Rest Days: Get help to avoid feeling overwhelmed. 

Just as your body needs time to recover throughout your fitness journey, you can’t possibly do it all for your business. Write down your ideas and break them down into actions you can take over time. Instead of planning a full year, aim to plan through the first quarter. Delegate some of the tasks to your team. Talk to us about how we can help you as your digital marketing experts. 


Cheers to a new year full of big goals and exciting opportunities! To stay updated on the latest in digital advertising, be sure to follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn