Getting to Know Us...Kimberly Kim

Kimberly Kim is the latest member to join the SpringHill Digital social media team. She joins as not only our Community Manager but also that of our clients. Running our brand’s social media accounts is a lot of work and we welcome her fresh and lively approach to growing, engaging and nurturing our communities. We love Kim’s authenticity and we think you’ll agree after you’ve read her snapshot below…

What’s something you want to do next year?

Next year, I want to launch my own lifestyle YouTube channel. These past few months, I've been working on pre-filming and editing content so I can launch in 2021! This is something I've wanted to do for a really long time but I put it off because it is intimidating putting yourself out there on this sort of platform. However, I have way too much creative energy and I want to share that with the world! My channel will feature my passions for fashion, food, music, animals, beauty, and humor.


Most fun you have on the job?

I've just started working with SHD, but what I love is the community aspect of what I do both online and behind the scenes. It is so fun getting to know my teammates and our clients. We all have such different lifestyles and hobbies, so it's really cool to meet new people and learn something from them. On the other end of what I do, I enjoy the fact that social media allows for direct communication between our clients and their audiences. I like hearing what audiences have to say about a particular brand and using what I hear to make what we do at SHD even better. 


A quote that resonates and why?

"Don't ever let a soul in the world tell you that you can't be exactly who you are." - Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is my biggest idol! I admire her music, creativity, and authenticity so much. Growing up, I always felt so different from the rest of my peers-- my interests, the way I dressed, hobbies etc. As an adult, I still sometimes feel that way and this quote reminds me to be the most authentic version of me!

If you’d like to discuss possible ways in which SpringHill Digital can help grow your social media community email