Funnel Analytics

Funnel Analytics is a great way to analyze your data, it lets you see the steps your audience take on your site to complete their journey, helping you to identify where they are succeeding or failing, and essentially where your funnel is leaking! For example…


The volume of visitors decreases the further down the funnel you go but they are higher quality and more likely to convert. With a social media ad, we might see 100 users enter directly to the product page, from there we see 20  add to cart, 10  go on to checkout but only 1 completes the purchase.   The highest percentage of drop off, 90%, is between checkout and completed purchase.  Could we have a leak in the funnel at the checkout process? What is the bottleneck and what can we do to improve the funnel flow? From here we can start testing variations of the checkout page to see if we can lessen the drop off rate. Although it shouldn’t be your only source of analysis, the funnel is a great place to dig around and ask questions.

This demonstration is designed for a funnel converting for sales but funnels can be created for many ad objectives including sign-ups or downloads, you just have to figure out your funnel and how your users flow through them.

If you are thinking about advertising on social media and don’t know where to start we offer a free campaign checklist to help you get started.